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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2nd Semester of school

Today is the first day of my second semester online college course. One word: Blehhhhh

The first semester was easy but just a bunch of work and essays. I don't like typing so essays were my Achilles heel.Some were were assigned and  due in a few day instead of a week while I work tis very harrrrd. I was also so behind in my reading that I just gave up reading my books and just crammed (which is just terrible!)

But this semester I'm going to do my best! I'm planning on dedicating a day on reading and a day for each classes!

First class is: Fundamentals of Color and Design
I was slightly excited about this class because they sent me a ton of art supplies! Now though, I think about it and I suspect that its going to be symbols and logos and crap and they would expect me to use illustrator.

Second class: Ethical and Critical thinking
It sounds boring but I hope it improves me and my thinking (I'm not the smartest person in the world but I try >.<)
Third class: Human relations
Snorrrre sounds very boring maybe I'll like it though?

All of the images are in my little(actually huuuge) binder I had since my senior year in highschool!
Pic isn't mine is by a DA artist and I had forgotten her name >.< (sorry)

But yeah each class came with a book and I am ready to get started!

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