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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just bought my first lolita dress

*sigh* from bodyline hopefully it'll be good or I'll just return it...

The dress I got was this(in black):

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2nd Semester of school

Today is the first day of my second semester online college course. One word: Blehhhhh

The first semester was easy but just a bunch of work and essays. I don't like typing so essays were my Achilles heel.Some were were assigned and  due in a few day instead of a week while I work tis very harrrrd. I was also so behind in my reading that I just gave up reading my books and just crammed (which is just terrible!)

But this semester I'm going to do my best! I'm planning on dedicating a day on reading and a day for each classes!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Opening up are commissions on deviantart --->

The reason I'm doing this is that I have spare money but not a lot and I want to save the money I have left over after I've paid bills and college stuff.

I would like to use my money for lolita and cosplay. I've always wanted to cosplay lolita but I'm nervous and I know I'll only wear to conventions, well unless I meet some lolita friends of course! I just want to get out of this bubble of fear and judgement and just enjoy myself!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I drew this a while ago I was just tired and I felt the need to draw something.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Tried out some goth makeup today. Hehee I look funny.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 3

Day three was all about disney world and it was fun a lot of bonding with perry, I just kinda wished steven wasn't there but on so I could kiss perry  XP this is super short because my hands hurt now
so heres a picture

Day 2 (part 2)

After the rides we venture to buy things. I didn't get much only some butter beer (Which was good but just butterscotch and cream soda) and the 100 flavor jelly beans.

Day 2 (part 1)

Today was greeeeeat, like seriously!

In the morning we ate at IHOP and all had delicious and fulfilling! I had strawberry french toast!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 1

Today was very tiredsome. Blehh, like  we left late, like reeeeeally late at 1 when it was suppose to to be at 10 am. Butttt it was all good, Perry was excited to go since he never been out of georgia,heh. I'm glad that he's coming with us gonna make the trip way more fun.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Heading to Florida

Going to be great, I'm so excited! Me, my boyfriend(Perry), my brother(Steven), my mom and dad are going to Florida this weekend for a vacation that we all needed! It's going to be great because we're going to the Harry Potter theme Park and maybe the Magic Kingdom. If we don't go to the Magic Kingdom we're going to play mini golf and visit museums, either way it going to be great~!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First post!

Hello, this is my first blog post! I want this blog to be like a diary thing but not with super private stuff. It will have just mildly private stuff but not like "oooh I took the biggest shit" that would be stupid but more like " I just got engaged!". Just you know cool things, because I'm a cool chick...*cough*